Paid Environmentalist

13 02 2008

Recently I began a new career with the Provincial Government of PEI. I had been with the Fire Marshal’s Office as a building inspector and quite enjoyed my job and coworkers. An opportunity came up to become part of the new Office or Energy Efficiency and I jumped at the chance! The position was Energy Programs Officer and the description of the job was:

The purpose of this position is to assist in the development and implementation of energy efficiency programs delivered to Island homeowners and businesses. The Energy Programs Officer will also provide information and advice on appropriate energy efficiency techniques and technologies utilized in the residential and commercial/institutional building sectors.

I applied, was interviewed and offered the job within a few weeks and accepted! It was nearly a perfect match to what I wanted to do with my life and much of my private time was devoted to researching energy efficiency and energy efficient design. I have been working at the OEE for a month now and am loving it. There are ambitious plans for the future and a good start in the present with some programs and incentives and lots of people looking for info on how they can change their energy usage or upgrade there homes efficiency.

The Office’s description is:

The OEE will assist Islanders in reducing their energy consumption and minimizing the environmental footprint of our daily activities.

The Office of Energy Efficiency will also provide Islanders with one-stop-shopping for provincial and federal energy efficiency programs and services.

OEE Mission Statement:
To provide Islanders with advice and programs that will promote sustainable energy use and reinforce the importance of sound energy management for the economic, social and environmental well being of Island residents and businesses.

I’m looking forward to working to make our province a greener place and helping my fellow Islander’s save money and reduce their impact on the environment.

You can learn more about the Office of Energy Efficency at



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