Life Without Plastic… sort of.

8 07 2008

One of the things I have realized when my wife and I found out we were going to have a baby this winter is how much I am still polluting the earth, even being as earth conscious as I think I am. I still buy lots of plastic and styrofoam products, disposable products, over packaged products, etc… We justify it to ourselves as saying there are no alternatives or at least no convenient alternatives and buy some of our food bulk but that’s about the extent of it.

Seeing what kind of impact I was having on the planet still, that my unborn son or daughter is going to be growing up in, I decided to try and go plastic and styrofoam free, where ever possible, convenient or no… One of the first things I did was replace my old cartridge razor with all metal safety razor. I have been using a shave brush and shave soap for years, at first cause it was cheaper, and then cause of the lack of an aerosol can and packaging, the shave soap I buy comes in a small cardboard box and lasts me 6+ months. So going to a plastic free razor seemed an easy start, and it just looks damn cool too! When it came time to buy blades for my new plastic free razor, every package of blades came in a plastic case!

It seems that even when you try to go to a plastic free alternative to an everyday item, you are blindsided by plastic packaging! I console myself to the fact that a small plastic sleeve for 10 metal blades that each last 4-5 times longer than any plastic cartridge head is a good alternative, but it still bugs me.

Some other everyday products that seem to be plastic tied are deodorant, toothpaste, milk (even the cartons have plastic spouts now) and more. How do you get rid of plastic in your life when some products have no plastic free alternatives? Do you live without? Leave a comment if you’ve figured any of this out.



One response to “Life Without Plastic… sort of.”

14 07 2008
Rebekah (22:33:55) :

What, no comments yet? I was looking forward to reading them. It is a very good question.
I guess in some of these cases, the only plastic-free alternative would be making the items yourself. Toothpaste is a mixture of water and baking soda, correct? And I’m sure someone has come up with a recipe for deodorant- the quality is a different matter, and if you’re looking for a non-chemical way to get antiperspirant, I don’t think it exists.

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