Green Baby Care

6 01 2009

n505712889_1571164_5900So we have a new little Iz monster roaming around the house so I thought it might be time to post something on how we are trying to make this happy addition a green addition 😉

First off, the big question, cloth or disposable. And the answer is both… We got some G Diapers from Laine`s sister and we used those in combination with 7th Generation chlorine free disposables. The G diaper system is great but you need at least 2-3 of the starter kits to be practical and Isobel has already grown out of the fist size set we have. We are looking into other cloth diapers and have gotten some good advice from friends with newborns as well, but the 7th Generation diapers will fill the gap.

As far as wipes go, we decided to forgo the wet overpackaged, over scented and over processed commercial wipes and simply use reusable towels (commonly referred to as J cloths, but we have a different brand) and wet them in warm water before using them. Iz likes it better when they are warm and we just launder them with the rest of her stuff, and they are good as new! We found the packaged wipes gave her bum rashes more often.

We also used almost exclusively hand me down clothes for her with a few good “dress up” outfits we bought just for her. Hand me down toys and mats and playpens have also been a blessing as well.

If you have any good tips of green baby care, or questions, let me know!



2 responses to “Green Baby Care”

17 02 2009
Kelly H. (08:39:43) :

It sounds like you already practice “green” baby care! Hand me downs, better diapers, etc… I would suggest, though your baby is probably beyond baby food now, pureeing your own food rather than buying jars of baby food. You have complete control over what your baby eats, you can freeze it in ice-cube trays and then toss them in a container in the freezeer, and the baby gets used to eating what the rest of the family eats! As for wipes, we make our own, too! If you add a drop of tea tree oil to the warm water, it’s very soothing and healing for an irritated bottom. Be careful to only use a drop, though!

17 02 2009
Kelly H. (08:42:32) :

Oops! I didn’t see the date on the blog entry–you’re baby is probably NOT beyond baby food yet!

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