On a good day, running in heels makes about as much sense as running with scissors but I was up for the illogical challenge  to save a child.   Stop Child Trafficking Now was trying to set a world record for a stiletto run in NYC to help raise awareness of the fastest growing crime on Earth.   

The sudden September shower wrecked havoc on our shoes and made 62nd Street and Columbus Avenue a slick mess.   Most of us were more concerned about breaking a heel than breaking our necks.      

The race was short and sweet followed by a walk around Manhattan.  Waiting for the final tally on donations and the offical verdict  about breaking a record took a little longer.

On October 8th, 2009 the official news was posted that the ladies racing in the rain broke the world record for  running in stilettos.   For more information about Stop Child Trafficking Now visit www.sctnow.org


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