Ching Hai: Supreme Master…Of Hypocrisy
Posted by keith on 31st March 2008
If I’m not here tomorrow, do not weep, I will have been struck down — in my disrespect — by Ching Hai, Supreme Master, and self-styled “God’s Direct Contact”. A mere lightning bolt will not be sufficient: I expect a plague of SUVs.
A few days ago I received an e-mail from Shaam Ven, presumably a follower of GDC (well, if the leader of the industrial West is GOP, then why not?) and a believer that any message of concern is a good message:
I read about your website. I wanted to email you immediately about Supreme Master Ching Hai’s efforts to halt global warming. Supreme Master Ching Hai is a God-Realized, living, enlightened Master, who initiates Truth Seekers into the Quan Yin meditation. To learn more about Master and the Quan Yin meditation, please go to or
Master’s message is simple: if we human beings don’t take steps to halt global warming within the next two years, after that, it will be too late and we could see all of life vanish from this planet by the year 2012.
The fastest way to stop global warming is to become a vegan. It is not difficult to do considering all the veggie food out there that tastes, looks, and smells exactly like meat and seafood.
Please consider going to one of the above websites, click on the red SOS link, and read the flyer and if you are so inclined, please put this flyer on your website or a link to one of the above websites. Thank you.
As a vegetarian, and one of the first people to point out the above point about veganism — maybe Supreme Master read my article — then I’m all for this kind of message, regardless of the source. With my Greenwash Radar on, though, I scanned the site and it didn’t take long before I found some words worthy of Shell or Ford at their most hypocritical. Immediately I wrote back:
Dear Shaam
Thank you for this information. It is good to see the increased uptake of the most vital message for humanity – in pragmatic terms – by religious groups; that humans are changing the planet in a dangerous and potentially irreversible way.
This statement on your web site ensures that things will continue to get worse (
“The more we develop this world, the more Heavens there will be. We will create a new Heaven. It is just like when we go to a very deserted land with no water or trees, and we begin to dig wells, and we plant trees, vegetables, etc. We make a useless wasteland become a fertile, green, beautiful place. Then we create a new park, a new garden or new living quarters that otherwise had not been there. It did not exist before we came. And from a lousy place, with all kinds of shrubs and thorny bushes growing all over, we make living quarters, a small paradise.”
“That’s how we better the world. Similarly, we will do it on a greater or larger scale. As we move along spiritually, we will move along in helping the world, in beautifying the environment and helping with the poor and the needy. We have to help the whole world, not only one nation. And that is our vision of the future.”
In other words, “The changes humans make to the world are better than those which nature bestows on the planet.”
I find the use of the phrases “useless wasteland” and “lousy place” abhorrent.
The mixture of sensible science (meat production produces excessive greenhouse gases), and bizarre unfounded statements (“if we poison our systems with intoxicating things or impure foods such as meat or animal products, then the cells of the body and the brain will also become contaminated and confused”) ensures that any followers of your ideas will remain in a confused state.
Keith Farnish
Surprisingly I have yet to receive a response, so I have to assume that it came as a bit of a surprise :-)
And what about that picture of her glowing Supreme Master-ness? Did God put those highlights in (she was originally dark haired) to make her look even more ethereal? Were they done at the heavenly hairdressers? I demand answers.
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